When it comes to music, we like to pretend our world fits neatly into black and white, hip-hop and r&b, rock and rap. But if anyone breaks the mold, it’s Chris Marsol. On his bold debut album, “Butterflies, Lipstick and Hand Grenades," Marsol fuses together rock, soul, pop and electro, resulting in a record where no two tracks sound the same. How did this rock artist end up on one of the Bay’s most esteemed hip-hop labels?
“In 2007 my business partner gave Tajai (of Souls of Mischief and Hiero's owner) some of my music. Unknown to us, Tajai had been listening to it while on tour. When he got back, a meeting was set up and we decided to work together.”
When asked about the meaning of the album title, Marsol shrugs, “There’s no meaning until you create one.”
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